Hey there! :)

Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my AS media blog! I've created a rock music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread and this is my blog to show you the finished magazine as well as all the research and planning I put into making my magazine and the evaluation I did after I completed my magazine. I hope you find it all interesting! :)

Below are links to my research and planning, completed magazine and evaluation questions.

Research and Planning: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/research-and-planning-cd-cover-as-media.html
Completed Magazine: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/completed-music-magazine.html
Evaluation Questions: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/evaluation-question-1.html

Thursday 24 November 2011

Research and Planning - Pose/Model Test Shots

The pictures below are of my final models, in some test poses, in their own clothes, in preparation for the actual shoot for my rock magazine. Although I really wanted to use three female models on the front of my magazine, I can't find three which look appropriate enough and so I'm going to use one female and two males, which I hope will still make my magazine look awesome! I considered using myself as one of the models and setting the camera up on a tripod, however I feel it would just be easier and of a better quality for me to be the one taking the pictures and just use two male models and one female. The location is not my final photo shoot location, as we could not get there in the time frame we had, however I do like some of the test shot locations I have used and so I may take some real/final shots there too. The models are in their own clothing, which is why they don't particularly look like a matching rock band; when I take the final photos they will all be wearing black, red and white (which fits with the colour scheme of my music magazine) and will have their hair styled differently. They will also have props to work with when it comes to my final shots. These pictures were just to give my models and myself an idea of what was actually possible to do in preparation for the real shoot. Some of the photos turned out blurred and I'm not too sure why, as I spent an awful lot of time during the shoot ensuring that I focused the camera properly and held it as steady as possible, so I have only included the best shots from the session (I took over 40 pictures) however they are still very useful as preparation test shots.

I really like this shot, however I should have directed the models to look at the camera, as it would have looked better. Also, this image doesn't contain my third model (as he was running late). But I do really like this pose and I can easily recreate it in one of my final photo shoot locations and add my third model into the pose by sitting him in the space on the right hand side of the shot beside my female model. I really like the lighting completely whiteing out the entire top left corner, I think it is a really nice effect and I could easily put text over the top of it when creating the cover of my magazine, which is a bonus! The photo is clear and the lighting compliments the models nicely.

I completely love this 'power rock' pose as its eye catching and the stance, pose and intensity of the eyes makes it really powerful! the light coming through the window makes my models stand out more and makes the over all appearance more powerful. As the location is in college it is less than ideal, however the pose is one I can easily recreate in one of my final photo locations.

The tighter framing of this image, as apposed to the one above it, makes it look slightly better and more powerful, however I fear that if I was to use such a tight framed shot on my cover, I would have to put text over their faces. In all cover shots I need to leave plenty of the background location in the shot so that I have places to add the masthead and the text. However a tight framed shot like this would be perfect as the main image on my double page spread.

This picture is too dark, however I really like the pose and I think it would look great in a different, lighter, location.

As the light got brighter coming through the window the pictures I took got more and more blurred, so I turned on the flash (see pictures below) but then I had the problem of trying to avoid thick shadows forming on the picture.

I really like this pose, it looks similar to ones I've seen on proper rock magazines and it looks the most professional out of all the photos I took during the test shoot. I hope to recreate this when my models are in their costumes and in my proper location. The below pictures are just close/tighter shots of the above one.

Although the above picture couldnt be used as a cover image as its landscape, not portrait, it would still be a great picture to put on the contents page or double page spread.

I really like the picture above and below as it looks the most 'rock' out of all the pictures I took. I like the way the natural light illuminates my models' facial features as well as creating shadows around certain facial features, giving the images a distinctly rock style.

The above image is probably the least suitable for the cover of my magazine as any text I put on the cover would definitely obscure the faces of at least one of my models, which is not at all desirable! I like the pose, however I'm not sure it can be recreated in my final location, as it doesnt have the same stair structure.

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