Hey there! :)

Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my AS media blog! I've created a rock music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread and this is my blog to show you the finished magazine as well as all the research and planning I put into making my magazine and the evaluation I did after I completed my magazine. I hope you find it all interesting! :)

Below are links to my research and planning, completed magazine and evaluation questions.

Research and Planning: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/research-and-planning-cd-cover-as-media.html
Completed Magazine: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/completed-music-magazine.html
Evaluation Questions: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/evaluation-question-1.html

Friday 25 November 2011

Research and Planning - Location Change

Although I may be able to use the Dominion Theatre foyer and stage for my location, I can't take my three models with me to London, which makes using the Dominion as my location a bit pointless! I have decided to use a church and graveyard as my locations as I am naming the rock band, which my models form, 'Crypt' which suits the Church/graveyard location and my models will be wearing red/white/black clothing to suit the rock style and the colour scheme of my magazine.

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