Hey there! :)

Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my AS media blog! I've created a rock music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread and this is my blog to show you the finished magazine as well as all the research and planning I put into making my magazine and the evaluation I did after I completed my magazine. I hope you find it all interesting! :)

Below are links to my research and planning, completed magazine and evaluation questions.

Research and Planning: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/research-and-planning-cd-cover-as-media.html
Completed Magazine: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/completed-music-magazine.html
Evaluation Questions: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/evaluation-question-1.html

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Research and Planning - Double Page Spread Analysis


The genre of this double page spread is rock. It is clear to see this is a rock themed double page spread because of the imagery, text, font and colours used over the two pages. The imagery clearly represents the rock genre as it shows various images of males from the rock band My Chemical Romance in various rock poses. There wild hair, black clothing and typical rock style poses all relays the rock theme to the audience. The text also shows the rock theme, as it says "We're being the best MCR we can be" and MCR (My Chemical Romance) is a famous rock band, therefore showing the genre of the double page spread to be rock. The font style used on the main text on the page looks distressed and distinctly rock because of the block capitals (as rock music is bold and stands out) and the distressed look (as that's often how rock musicians look!) The colours used on this double page spread; red, black and white are recurring colours in rock magazines and so immediately when I view these colours I know the genre being represented is rock. Red is a typical rock colour because it has implications of hell and rock music is often described as 'the devils music'. Black is a typical rock colour because it is dark and mysterious, like most rock artists themselves. Black is also the colour most artists choose to wear on stage when performing the rock genre of music. White is also a typical rock colour as it contrasts the black colour but is still plain and simple, which is what most rock artists want to be, as they don't believe in the latest fashions or corporate brands.

Target Audience

The target audience of this double page spread appears to be teenagers and young adults, who like rock music, of both genders. I know this because of the artist that is presented on the double page spread. My Chemical Romance are a modern young rock band that appeal to both genres and the particular age category of 13 to 25 year olds.  I can tell the double page spread is not targeting one specific gender because although the colours used are dark, they are not stereotypical gender specific colours, such as: blue for boys, pink for girls. I also know they are not targeting one specific gender because MCR the band are attractive to both genders, as boys and girls like their music and boys and girls idolize the band members. I know the target audience will like rock music, as if a person did not like rock music, they would not be reading this double page spread about this artist.


The band members of MCR shown in the images on the double page spread are all wearing black; this shows that they as a band are related to rock music, as black is the typical colour for rock artists to wear as its dark (like rock music) and is the complete opposite of the bright colours pop stars wear (as rock is the complete opposite of pop). The band members all have wild, untidy hair, which also shows they are linked to the rock genre, as rock hairstyles are usually wild, untidy and edgy to represent the style of music its self and the life style typical rock stars lead. The band members in the images are equipped with their band instrument (microphone, drums, guitar, bass) which also shows the band to be of the rock genre because other genres of music use more, or different, instruments to the ones MCR are pictured with.


The most noticeable thing about the double page spread is that the entire left side of the spread is an image and the other side contains text and images. The use of the full page image catches the reader's eye and makes them interested in reading the text on the other page. The full page image may also attract someone to buy the magazine, as they could then cut out the full page image and use it as a poster, which is what a lot of rock music fans like to do. The largest text on the page is the title, showing its important and grabbing the reader's attention due to its size. This text is spread over both sides of the spread showing that both the left side and the right side are related to each other. The main body of the text on the right hand page is in small font and split into two columns, making the information easier to read and look more attractive on the page. On the right hand side of the right page is a white column/strip containing other short pieces of information related to the main body of the text. This breaks up the page and adds a nice interesting and finishing touch to the double page spread.  The layout over all looks appealing to the reader as it is not all uniform and structured in standard boring columns, it looks appealing to the eyes because of the use of colour, images and neatly arranged (but not uniform or boring) columns of text.

Media Language

Mid shots, medium close ups and wide shot images are all used on this double page spread to show a variation in the images on the page so that they are more interesting to look at, rather than all the same shot type which could appeal uniform and boring - something the images in a rock magazine definitely should not be as rock music is anything but boring!

Ordinary Language

The language used in the article on the double page spread is very sensationalized and factual to keep readers both interested and informed by the article. The language is very positive to promote the band and give a good vibe about the band to the reader. I now know to write in a similar way and with similar techniques to make the article on my own rock music magazine double page spread just as interesting and factual to make my target audience happy.

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