The genre of this contents page is rock. I can tell the genre is rock because of the use of the magazine's title/name in the top left of the contents page. The title/name is 'rock sound' which immediately tells the reader that the contents page is for the rock genre of music.
The colours used on the contents page also reflect the genre of rock, as red, white and black are used on this contents page (sticking to the three colour rule). The colours of red, white and black are often associated with rock due to the implications of hell and the devil with the colour red; the implications of darkness, mysteriousness and evil with the colour black; and the contrast against the other colours with the simple colour of white.
The images used on the contents page also show that the contents page is for a rock magazine, as the people in the images are wearing mainly black clothing (typical of rock stars), have messy hair (also typical of rock stars) and are in typical rock poses, such as looking reflective, aggressive, 'different' or confused.
The font styles used on the contents page also show that the genre is rock, as they are jagged, distorted/distressed which is often associated with rock because of the jagged, distorted and distressed sound to the rock genre of music.
Target Audience
The target audience of this music magazine, shown through the contents page, is for male teenagers and young adults.
The images on the contents page are all of male rock artists and bands, instantly making me believe that the magazine is aimed at males, as typically people like bands with members of the same gender as them (Unless they find certain band members of the opposite gender attractive). The artists shown in the images seem to be fairly modern/current rock bands which teenagers and young adults would have heard of and liked; such as Green Day.
The colours of the contents page also makes me believe it is aimed at males, as although the colours are not particularly gender specific or stereotypical (example: blue for boys, pink for girls) the dark tones of red and black with the contrast of white is something I believe males would find more attractive than females, unless they were a tomboy like myself.
Even the font styles used are more attractive to males, as males tend to like the rough and edgy side of life and the font styles are rough and edgy.
The people in the images on the contents page are mostly wearing black, which is typical of the rock genre, as rock artists typically like to look mysterious and dark and wearing black achieves this effect. All of their hair styles are messy and edgy, which again is typical of the rock genre. The laid back expressions on their faces show they are cool and calm, typical of rock artists and bands.
On this contents page, the biggest font present on the page is the title of the magazine, clearly showing what the magazine the contents page belongs to and acting as a size guide to keep the right side of the page in line and in proportion with the rest of the contents page.
The contents page appears to be split into two columns, the left column's background is white and smaller than the right column's red background. The left side is the main part of the contents page, as it lists everything in the magazine, allowing readers to navigate easily around the magazine. The right side includes images relevant to the featured articles in the magazine, which can instantly make a reader interested, or uninterested in the contents of the magazine at first glance.
The left side of the page is split into content sections, shown by the red banner that separates each section from the others. All the font on the contents page, with the exception of titles, is the same small size, keeping consistency.
Media Language
The images used on the contents page are a variety of 'two shots', 'medium close ups' and 'medium long shots', both at eye level and from a low angle. The use of different shot types and angles makes the contents page images interesting and not all the same, which makes them as striking and individual.