Hey there! :)

Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my AS media blog! I've created a rock music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread and this is my blog to show you the finished magazine as well as all the research and planning I put into making my magazine and the evaluation I did after I completed my magazine. I hope you find it all interesting! :)

Below are links to my research and planning, completed magazine and evaluation questions.

Research and Planning: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/research-and-planning-cd-cover-as-media.html
Completed Magazine: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/completed-music-magazine.html
Evaluation Questions: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/evaluation-question-1.html

Monday 12 September 2011

Planning and design - Movie Poster

By using Photoshop I created this movie poster. I created it by using a high resolution camera to take photos of myself and my friend in the poses of the original people on the poster. After transferring the image files from the camera to the computer, I opened them in photoshop along with the original movie poster. I then cut out the faces from the pictures of me and my friend and then placed them over the top of the original movie poster faces. By changing the size and rotation of the face images, I managed to cover the original faces on the poster. I then used the blur tool to blend the edges of the faces and the movie poster together, to make the faces look more like they belong there and have not just been cut and pasted.

I definitely enjoyed making this, as well as learning a lot of new techniques to use in Photoshop!

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