Hey there! :)

Dear Moderator,

Welcome to my AS media blog! I've created a rock music magazine cover, contents page and double page spread and this is my blog to show you the finished magazine as well as all the research and planning I put into making my magazine and the evaluation I did after I completed my magazine. I hope you find it all interesting! :)

Below are links to my research and planning, completed magazine and evaluation questions.

Research and Planning: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/research-and-planning-cd-cover-as-media.html
Completed Magazine: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/completed-music-magazine.html
Evaluation Questions: http://beckymckenziemedia.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/evaluation-question-1.html

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Research and Planning - Tutor Feedback Response

Referring to the feedback my tutor gave me on my rock music magazine so far, I would like to justify my use of the cover artists on my contents page. I wrote a reply under the initial comment, however I couldn't put pictures in my reply to prove what I was saying was true.

Picture proof: March 2005 Rock Sound Magazine with Green Day as the cover artists and on the contents page (also, the artists do not change their clothes on any of the images on/in the magazine)

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